Attitude Matters

I enjoy the beginning of the school year because it is full of potential and excitement for what is to come. The opportunities are endless as we prepare for a fresh start each year. Our attitude as educators is crucial in shaping the academic environment, attitudes, and aspirations of students under our guidance. It is important to remember that a school’s success is not just about the curriculum, facilities, or test scores. As Steve Roberts said, our collective attitude drives us forward in times of difficulty- attitude matters.

Attitude is the foundation upon which achievements are built. History is full of examples of individuals who, armed with a positive attitude, overcame obstacles and accomplished remarkable feats. Think of Helen Keller, who defied deafness and blindness to become a disability advocate, or Hernan Cortes’, who saw failure as a stepping stone to discovery and conquered the Aztecs.

However, the power of attitude is wider than historical figures. Consider the countless students teachers have seen who have overcome challenging circumstances with determination and a can-do spirit. Remember the times when a shift in attitude and a few words of encouragement ignited a passion within a struggling student, leading to outstanding achievements.

As we begin this new school year, remember that we have the power to influence our students and other staff. Our attitude and unwavering belief in their potential can be the catalyst for success. Let’s teach our students to have a growth mindset and that challenges are opportunities for growth and failure is just a temporary setback.

How we think and act will determine the environment of our school and influence the futures of the lives we touch. Let’s make this the year that our Attitude Matters… As we step into our role as professional educators, remember that how we do things is just as important as what we do. I truly believe our collective attitude will guide us to a year of boundless growth and limitless potential. Remember, the best is yet to come!

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